[BONUS IN ENGLISH] How to change your relationship to money with Peter Koenig

VLAN! Podcast
VLAN! Podcast
[BONUS IN ENGLISH] How to change your relationship to money with Peter Koenig

GREGORY : Hi, everyone. Hi, Peter.

PETER : Hello. Hello, Gregory.

GREGORY : How are you doing?

PETER : I’m doing fine, thank you. I’m glad.

GREGORY : I think this is the very first time that I have an author whose book was recommended by Deepak Chopra, but also George W Bush, but also the Pope, John Paul two. And the question that is raising in my head is how come money is such an important topic?

PETER : Well, if you let me just answer that first before I answer the why, I want to to reinforce that, it seems to be a very important topic. And anybody listening can go and discover this by themselves. You go into any train, tram, bus, whatever, or restaurant and listen, as I have done to the conversations around you, and you will see that money will come into the subject between every two and three minutes, almost into every conversation. So I just want to confirm that it gives the appearance of being incredibly important because we all talk about it so much. Why is it so important? Um, because this is my belief. Um, we have all been educated to. Believe that in order to be successful and have what we want in our life, we need to have money. And this education starts extremely young. It’s from our parents. They don’t even realise that they are teaching us this. But in the first the first time you go into a supermarket as a small child and you reach out for all the beautiful things on the shelves. The first lesson that you learn is that you’re not allowed to have all the beautiful things on the shelves immediately. You can only if you scream and shout enough maybe are allowed to have a small sweet or something, and then you’re dragged over to another part of the supermarket and then you see what we call money for maybe for the first time in your life and you hear the word money and it might be plastic or paper or something, and you get the first lesson. If you if you want something in life, you need to have money. And that’s where it all starts.

GREGORY : Mhm. And then comes this expression that I don’t really like and but that I use, which is earn your living. That’s right. Jenny Saville, what do you think of this expression and well is it, is it weird that I, I feel awkward. I mean I, I feel, I feel it’s kind of awkward to me. It is, Yes.

PETER : It, it you’re right to have that feeling. But let me just say. Gregory, that’s the second lesson, because after the child has learned the first lesson, that in order to get what you want in your life or to be what you want in your life, you need to have money. The child asks, Well, where is the money? And most children know where money is hidden at home. And a very robust statistic because I’ve been giving money seminars for almost 40 years, but I ask every single group, how many of you who stole money from their parents as a child? And the response is between 40 and 70% every single group. It’s a very robust figure. So in fact, most of us are thieves at a very young at a very young age. And then we get this message. Second lesson from our parents You’re not allowed to steal money. You shouldn’t. Stealing is bad. Um, so what do you do for your money? You need to earn your money. You need to gain TV, earn your living, earn your existence. And I’m happy that you feel uncomfortable with this because actually, we are the only creatures on the planet that have this particular system. And it’s totally unnatural because all other creatures are born and have a right to live and a right to take all the resources they need without having to earn anything.

GREGORY : Yeah, because earning your living, it means that you’ve lost your life before you’ve even in the first place. That’s right.

PETER : Yeah.

GREGORY : At the moment you’re born, you’ve already lost your life. I mean, we should be laughing at this, but it’s no laughing matter, really.

PETER : No, really. It’s so weird. Um, there is this quote that I have from you, which is there’s no relationship a saint. There’s no saint relationship to money. But if you love it, um, I don’t know if I translate it right, because I wrote. I wrote it in French, but I was wondering what you think about it. And can you just explain a little bit.

GREGORY : Yes. Um, I’m talking about. Now and the future. If we if we look at history, if we go back now to 300 years, when the present system and our relationship to money was designed, the the relationship to money actually designed the system that we have right now. And it became the system of success for science and industry. So for the material production in factories, money and the way money was designed was extremely important. But to cut to cut it short, it was actually a system based on fear. When you talk about earning or living or gaining vie, you’re actually frightened of losing your living and losing your, um, you losing your life. And that is actually your existence. And that is actually what the motivation has been and still is in our factories. Just look at China. You go into the factory to work, which is usually unpleasant to earn your living. Meaning make money in the hope that at some point you’ll have accumulated enough that you can stop doing that and start living your life. Now, this has been extremely successful for the production of material goods on a production line, and it’s extremely strongly. Conditioned into each of us, not just mentally, but it’s like it’s been inculcated into our bodies and souls and it’s been inherited over many generations. Now I’m coming to the answer to your question.

PETER : No, it’s fine. I mean, we have time. It’s fine.

GREGORY : Okay. Coming to the.

PETER : Answer to your question, what’s happened, which is is is potentially tragic, is that we have become like machines ourselves. We’re on automatic with this condition system. And what we’re what we are unconscious or have been unconscious of is that it’s an extractive process extracting capital from nature so that, you know, we’re seeing the extinction happening. We’re seeing all the the difficulty with climate change and all the other equality and all the other problems. They are actually a consequence of this same system, which was very successful for previous generations but has gone on automatic. It’s like we don’t know when enough is enough. We can’t we have difficulty without becoming more conscious of actually stopping this extractive machine. So my saying about love is that we we need to understand that we have been working and are still working on a fear based system. Which is constructed on a fear based relationship to money and to our life, actually. Which was successful for the Industrial Revolution. But now if we continue it, we are actually going into extinction. And what we need is a love based. A system of understanding that we need to love ourselves, we need to love money, but in a different way than just accumulating it. And we need to have a system of currencies which are actually based on love.

GREGORY : That is that is a very nice thinking. But at the same time, I feel like, uh, we are not there at all. I mean, and I was wondering, why would you say that this has 300 years. I feel like before that money was already something. I mean, we were selling, uh, pretty much everything. We were exchanging also things. But the Kings had more things than the peasant or, you know, people could buy slaves. And, you know.

PETER : Of course this is true, but the particular dynamics of the present. System were actually created in the 17th century, particularly by a group in England under a man called Habin.


Description de l’épisode

(l’épisode est en anglais) Peter Koenig est un économiste mais surtout un coach sur la relation à l’argent, en réalité il est LE coach recommandé par Deepak Chopra entre autre.

Peter est sans doute la personne la plus connue sur le sujet de la relation à l’argent, le coach des coaches grosso modo et j’ai eu la chance de pouvoir discuter avec lui pendant 1h de ce sujet qui est, en réalité central dans nos vies.

Ca aurait été dommage de s’en priver même si vous ne parlez pas tous anglais, j’en ai conscience. Essayez quand même si vous le pouvez cela en vaut le coût!

Nous avons presque tous comme rêve de devenir riche, que l’argent ne soit plus un problème, de gagner au loto ou à l’euromillions, de devenir millionnaire.
Nous regardons parfois avec envie ceux qui ont, d’ailleurs c’est de cette manière dont on défini le succès dans notre société.

Pourquoi avons nous la sensation que nous avons besoin d’argent pour être libre et en sécurité?

Comment avoir une relation saine à l’argent?

Peut on imaginer une société sans argent?

Est-ce que l’argent peut vraiment rendre heureux?

Qu’est ce que l’argent permet de faire réellement.

C’est une partie des questions que l’on discute avec Peter et de nombreuses autres.

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Transcription partielle de l’épisode

VLAN! Podcast
VLAN! Podcast
[BONUS IN ENGLISH] How to change your relationship to money with Peter Koenig

GREGORY : Hi, everyone. Hi, Peter.

PETER : Hello. Hello, Gregory.

GREGORY : How are you doing?

PETER : I’m doing fine, thank you. I’m glad.

GREGORY : I think this is the very first time that I have an author whose book was recommended by Deepak Chopra, but also George W Bush, but also the Pope, John Paul two. And the question that is raising in my head is how come money is such an important topic?

PETER : Well, if you let me just answer that first before I answer the why, I want to to reinforce that, it seems to be a very important topic. And anybody listening can go and discover this by themselves. You go into any train, tram, bus, whatever, or restaurant and listen, as I have done to the conversations around you, and you will see that money will come into the subject between every two and three minutes, almost into every conversation. So I just want to confirm that it gives the appearance of being incredibly important because we all talk about it so much. Why is it so important? Um, because this is my belief. Um, we have all been educated to. Believe that in order to be successful and have what we want in our life, we need to have money. And this education starts extremely young. It’s from our parents. They don’t even realise that they are teaching us this. But in the first the first time you go into a supermarket as a small child and you reach out for all the beautiful things on the shelves. The first lesson that you learn is that you’re not allowed to have all the beautiful things on the shelves immediately. You can only if you scream and shout enough maybe are allowed to have a small sweet or something, and then you’re dragged over to another part of the supermarket and then you see what we call money for maybe for the first time in your life and you hear the word money and it might be plastic or paper or something, and you get the first lesson. If you if you want something in life, you need to have money. And that’s where it all starts.

GREGORY : Mhm. And then comes this expression that I don’t really like and but that I use, which is earn your living. That’s right. Jenny Saville, what do you think of this expression and well is it, is it weird that I, I feel awkward. I mean I, I feel, I feel it’s kind of awkward to me. It is, Yes.

PETER : It, it you’re right to have that feeling. But let me just say. Gregory, that’s the second lesson, because after the child has learned the first lesson, that in order to get what you want in your life or to be what you want in your life, you need to have money. The child asks, Well, where is the money? And most children know where money is hidden at home. And a very robust statistic because I’ve been giving money seminars for almost 40 years, but I ask every single group, how many of you who stole money from their parents as a child? And the response is between 40 and 70% every single group. It’s a very robust figure. So in fact, most of us are thieves at a very young at a very young age. And then we get this message. Second lesson from our parents You’re not allowed to steal money. You shouldn’t. Stealing is bad. Um, so what do you do for your money? You need to earn your money. You need to gain TV, earn your living, earn your existence. And I’m happy that you feel uncomfortable with this because actually, we are the only creatures on the planet that have this particular system. And it’s totally unnatural because all other creatures are born and have a right to live and a right to take all the resources they need without having to earn anything.

GREGORY : Yeah, because earning your living, it means that you’ve lost your life before you’ve even in the first place. That’s right.

PETER : Yeah.

GREGORY : At the moment you’re born, you’ve already lost your life. I mean, we should be laughing at this, but it’s no laughing matter, really.

PETER : No, really. It’s so weird. Um, there is this quote that I have from you, which is there’s no relationship a saint. There’s no saint relationship to money. But if you love it, um, I don’t know if I translate it right, because I wrote. I wrote it in French, but I was wondering what you think about it. And can you just explain a little bit.

GREGORY : Yes. Um, I’m talking about. Now and the future. If we if we look at history, if we go back now to 300 years, when the present system and our relationship to money was designed, the the relationship to money actually designed the system that we have right now. And it became the system of success for science and industry. So for the material production in factories, money and the way money was designed was extremely important. But to cut to cut it short, it was actually a system based on fear. When you talk about earning or living or gaining vie, you’re actually frightened of losing your living and losing your, um, you losing your life. And that is actually your existence. And that is actually what the motivation has been and still is in our factories. Just look at China. You go into the factory to work, which is usually unpleasant to earn your living. Meaning make money in the hope that at some point you’ll have accumulated enough that you can stop doing that and start living your life. Now, this has been extremely successful for the production of material goods on a production line, and it’s extremely strongly. Conditioned into each of us, not just mentally, but it’s like it’s been inculcated into our bodies and souls and it’s been inherited over many generations. Now I’m coming to the answer to your question.

PETER : No, it’s fine. I mean, we have time. It’s fine.

GREGORY : Okay. Coming to the.

PETER : Answer to your question, what’s happened, which is is is potentially tragic, is that we have become like machines ourselves. We’re on automatic with this condition system. And what we’re what we are unconscious or have been unconscious of is that it’s an extractive process extracting capital from nature so that, you know, we’re seeing the extinction happening. We’re seeing all the the difficulty with climate change and all the other equality and all the other problems. They are actually a consequence of this same system, which was very successful for previous generations but has gone on automatic. It’s like we don’t know when enough is enough. We can’t we have difficulty without becoming more conscious of actually stopping this extractive machine. So my saying about love is that we we need to understand that we have been working and are still working on a fear based system. Which is constructed on a fear based relationship to money and to our life, actually. Which was successful for the Industrial Revolution. But now if we continue it, we are actually going into extinction. And what we need is a love based. A system of understanding that we need to love ourselves, we need to love money, but in a different way than just accumulating it. And we need to have a system of currencies which are actually based on love.

GREGORY : That is that is a very nice thinking. But at the same time, I feel like, uh, we are not there at all. I mean, and I was wondering, why would you say that this has 300 years. I feel like before that money was already something. I mean, we were selling, uh, pretty much everything. We were exchanging also things. But the Kings had more things than the peasant or, you know, people could buy slaves. And, you know.

PETER : Of course this is true, but the particular dynamics of the present. System were actually created in the 17th century, particularly by a group in England under a man called Habin.

